Kidney Disease in Dogs

4PAWSAdminArticles, Nutrition & Health, Pet Food, Supplements

Kidney disease in dogs is life threatening, and Four Paws wants to help you prevent it anyway you can.  It’s easy to miss the warning signs if you don’t know what you’re looking for, but early diagnosis is crucial in the fight against kidney disease in dogs. By the time most side effects are noticed, nearly 75 percent of kidney …

Canine Cancer Prevention

4PAWSAdminArticles, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

More than half of all adult dogs will die from cancer. But prevention from this deadly dog disease is possible by following five simple steps. Canine cancer is caused by carcinogens that are not killed by your dogs natural gene that fights off cancerous cells. Changes to everyday household activities and pet care can help keep your pet cancer free. …

Pet Obesity Reality Check

4PAWSAdminArticles, Cats, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

Pet obesity is a very serious health concern for our furry family members. Obesity can result in serious adverse health effects, such as reducing the lifespan of your pet. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP), in 2014, an estimated 53 percent of dogs and 58 percent of cats in the U.S. were overweight or obese. Most dogs …

New Encouraging News Regarding Rabies Vaccinations for Dogs and Cats

4PAWSAdminArticles, Cats, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

Results of a study performed by Kansas State University recently released are favorable for supporters and leaders of the charge against over-vaccinating pets. The study results show that most pets are protected against rabies from their initial rabies vaccinations, and that boosters are not necessary. A fact that has a big impact on how pets with out-of-date vaccinations that are …

Vaccination Guide from Dogs Naturally

4PAWSAdminArticles, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

According to Dogs Naturally Magazine, 60% of vets are vaccinating more than three times more often than their associations recommend. And thousands more are vaccinating less often than that, but still more often than the associations recommend. They’ve developed a comprehensive guide to help protect your dog from over-vaccination. This guide will show you: The breakthrough research that can save your …

Storing Dry Pet Food

4PAWSAdminArticles, Cats, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

Dogs Naturally Magazine published a very informative article about how and how not to store dry pet foods that we definitely feel is worth sharing. To start, the expert in the article advises a bag of kibble, once opened retains the full nutritional value for TWO WEEKS, TOPS, thanks to the oxidation process. Tips On How To Enhance The Life Of …

12 Things Humans Do That Annoy Dogs

4PAWSAdminArticles, Dogs

We’d all have to admit that at some time our dogs have done something to embarrass or annoy us. So, we just couldn’t resist sharing this reciprocal view published by moderndog on things we humans do to annoy our dogs. Are you guilty of any of these dog crimes? By Steve Duno | Illustration by Kim Smith Despite our love …

Deborah Pack – Friend of Those With Four Paws

4PAWSAdminArticles, Dogs

Stanley, the English Bulldog, is slated to have his surgery this month to correct damage to his sinus area and his teeth, caused by a bilateral cleft pallet. Deborah Pack and her family have given a home to Stanley and his sibling Ollie (who is deaf) so that they could be given all the care they need during their lifetime. …

Why LID Diets May Be Your Pets’ Best Friend

4PAWSAdminAllergies, Articles, Cats, Digestive, Dogs, Nutrition & Health

Many times a week we are visited by pet owners, concerned about their pooches various health issues. The most common ailments consist of paw chewing and licking, skin rashes and hair loss, gut issues, diarrhea, vomiting, gas and yeast overgrowth. These symptoms may be caused by a number of things, but diet is always one concern. Here we will discuss …

Compassion for Pets

4PAWSAdminArticles, News

Thanks to our very generous distributor, ADMC, and their animal welfare foundation, Compassion for Pets, Four Paws Pantry and Spa has been able to donate $1,090 so far this year.  The foundation donates dollars to the animal charity of our choice based on our level of spending with ADMC!  We are happy to spend, spend, spend! We have chosen Missouri German Shepherd …